Only the "All Reviews" section work for now.
All reviews here are my own opinions and a few facts, and whilst I do try to be objective in the reviews I write, there's always subjectivity to them, it's inevitable. Most reviews here are 5-8 minute reads.
Most screenshots/game footage is taken and recorded directly by me.
Be forewarned : I am vulgar at times, and some analogies written in here may be offensive to some. There isn't a million of them, and it's never anything extreme, but I'm just saying.
If you love a game to death and see that the review I wrote about it shows I disliked it, understand that this is fine. Divergence exists, and we are not all the same, otherwise life would be very boring.
Don't flood my inbox on why Earthbound is the best gaem evar, it's not.
I made this section based upon games I've played since I began my game completion documentation in 2017, with a few exceptions of games I cleared prior to 2017 that I feel are very much worth talking about, even if they've been talked about a million times already. Those reviews were written in hope that users of this website would hope to discover more games that they could potentially enjoy. There are so many good video games to play out there, yet I feel that to this day, people spend way too much time focusing on bad video games or games that require an insane amount of time and dedication for little reward, like MMORPGs. I have the philosophy that we should seek to constantly expand our knowledge on our passions and hobbies, and spending our entire lives in that 1% of safe and familiar territory just isn't a good thing in my opinion. It's like people who say they're passionnate about music or movies, yet they always come back to the same 20 albums or films because it's what they know. Cultivate your passions, don't keep harvesting the same fruit over and over all your life, don't be afraid to taste something else.
Reviews for games pertaining to the third generation of consoles and 8-bit systems.
Reviews for games pertaining to the fourth generation of consoles and 16-bit systems.
Reviews for games pertaining to the fifth generation of consoles and hardware made between ~1994 and ~2000